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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A prettier picture after the somewhat embarrassing mealtime shots

Canadian Photo 1
Friday, April 21, 2006

All in a day's work for our little serious foodie

Yoghurt Face... some of it anyway
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Strawberry Face
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End of Dinner Face... enjoying fruit after eating and painting with spinach sauce
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Yet another happy day at Dufferin Mall

Penny and Momma have been spending many afternoons at the nearby mall, the library and the park to give Dadda the much needed quiet in the house to finish up his dissertation. Here are four photos of Penny enjoying her biscuits at the Winners department store in the mall. Her favourite actions these days? A throwing up of both arms at "Yay!", clapping her hands (and you can actually hear the claps!) and playing peekaboo. She has also become quite the little chatterbox who can be often heard saying the likes of "Dadada... Mamama... Mmmm Mum Mum, Yum Yum, Ah! Ah! Oh. Nay, nay, nay, nay!"

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Sightseeing Toronto with Momma and Aunty Sharon

... in the final days of winter when Aunty came to visit us. We went to the Distillery District...
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... the St Lawrence Market...
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... and the CN Tower and had LOTS of fun.
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I had a great time crawling on the glass floor some 150m above ground at the CN Tower--yup, the glass floor Momma didn't even want to stand on. Aunty had to come get me. Boy, being a little tot is so much more fun than being a little baby. Can you believe that I actually got my first "That's not a baby," remark from a kid at Toys R Us the other day?