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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Spoon feeding herself!

Our little Pepe has been able for about two weeks to spoon food from a bowl into her mouth, messily but with reasonable success! The food in question, however, still needs to be of a sticky texture so that it clings a little better to the spoon. You can imagine how mealtimes have changed for all of us! For me, I have reconciled myself to the fact that she's a toddler who wants to eat the same tasty food (for the most part anyway) as us adults, and have partially given up on time-consuming preparations of 'yummy' nutritious, low-sodium finger foods for her. Penny is, of course, enjoying her newfound skill, and enjoying her rice. As for Daddy, he's glad that she gobbled up his tikka masala this evening! What a good way to get some more yoghurt down that little tummy too! Thank God for all the ways in which she's grown, and is growing each day. Last weight check: a hearty 11.4kg.