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Friday, January 29, 2010

First Saturday Outing on Bikes!

We recently got Pepe a proper BMX bike (with training wheels) which she named Reddy (and always--supposedly anyway--ready to go!) and this means Polly gets the green trike. Papa's holding off his own bike for now and I am in no condition to bike, being almost 5 months pregnant with Philly (still not sure if it's a boy or girl). Anyway, last Saturday we explored our Sunset Way/Clementi Ave 4 neighbourhood with the bike and trike and had some good family exercise (so good Pepe and Papa remarked how the distance we traversed was a bit too ambitious! :) I am looking forward to our next such outing. No pics of the girls on the bike and trike as both Papa and myself were too busy at those times closely supervising and guiding.

Malacca Trip December 2009

Grandma and Grandpa drove all of us there, and we had a few days of fun and fairly good food for a few days from 9-12 Dec.! Grandpa took some video as well and promptly edited it when we came back. Here are a few photos we took on our camera (the much less active one, as usual :)

(A serendipitous discovery of a playground--with swings!--
while walking towards the St. Francis Xavier church red-bricked district)

(Malacca River Cruise--kids more interested in snacking,
but we all rather enjoyed this anyway!)

(We had just had Children's Church lessons on Nehemiah rebuilding the walls
around Jerusalem, so the sight of this rubble was received with delight)

(Classic video faces of Polly and Pepe comfortably tucked into Grandma's bed
while waiting for the adults to get ready to go out--language was certainly
not a barrier to their enjoying the local cartoon!)