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Sunday, November 27, 2011


One of the things that Pepe and Polly love most would be staying in hotels. Pepe loves the carpeted floors, the smell of freshly laundered sheets and towels (and that general air-con smell), and they both love the cool soft beds, the wardrobes, the television set in the room, and yes, the swimming pool. Both of them have in their few years so far had quite a few hotel stay experiences (often with Grandma and Grandpa in JB, and also during church camps), including one especially memorable one at the Fullerton itself no less, compliments of Grandma and Grandpa--"the candy woman" and "the video man" respectively (teasing nicknames given by Pepe and does little justice to the grandparents in its caricature). Now they are looking forward to another holiday, this time with the whole family. The last time I went on holiday with them was to JB when Papa was on his Beijing trip September 2010. Pepe was 5 1/2, Polly 3 and Pipa just 3 months old. These pictures that Grandpa took quite encapsulate what the girls love about such holidays. They get 'spoiled rotten'; even at the tender age of 3, Polly enjoyed her shopping trips with Grandma. For me, I'm looking forward to 3 days of no cooking. I love to cook, and it's satisfying to see the kids eating nutritionally balanced home-cooked food, but a longer break once or twice a year is always refreshing, and I'll be ready to get back to the kitchen after that. Loy wouldn't mind not having to do the washing up after dinner for two days!
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Updates on Big Sisters on a Relaxing Afternoon

How I want to be Lord just like You,
And all the good things that I want to do.
Listen to Your heart Lord, yes it's true,
When You give Your peace,
When You share Your joy,
When You show Your love,
O Lord, I want to be like You.

Strange how songs from your past find their way into your consciousness in so willy-nilly a fashion, just like this old (Sunday School?) song entered mine as I was washing the dishes after putting Pipa down for a nap after a rather tiring morning of P1 Orientation at Penelope's new school. The words of this song has touched my heart anew and I pray that the girls will learn this song and make these words their prayer some day as well. Pepe stopped playing to listen to the whole song as I sang it.

Well, as I type--relaxing for a few moments before hitting the sofa of clothes--Pepe and Polly are playing extremely well. Nowadays, they love best to "play with models"--their little animal figurines ranging from three-headed dragons to beloved horses and dogs. Pepe has said that Polly is "too good at playing models", and that she's the best playmate ever in this department. Bet that makes Polly feel all grown up, and fully initiated into the Big Sisters' Club. (Mama used to be better at this, before Pipa came along; as we all acknowledge, much leisure time is needed for one to be an expert player of models). It's often hilarious to hear them playing in this way. Typically, one overhears such things:
- Polly: "And the baby horse said, 'I not like spinach. I will never eat it in a hundred and one years!" Pepe: "I DO not like spinach..."
- Polly: "And then she said, "I like this much more better..." Pepe: "Not 'more better'; just 'better'"
- Polly: "...stirring wheel." Pepe: "steering, not stirring." (Amusing accidental outsourcing :)
- Pepe and Polly: "And then, and then, you heard footsteps coming towards you, and then you feel scared right? And then you asked, 'Who is it?' right?" The other one: "Yes."
- (just heard) Pepe: "And he's always wanted to have a real ship." Polly: "No, he's always wanted to have a real family..." Pepe: "Yeah..." (still engrossed in the playing and letting that slide :)

On our way home from Polly's school one day, Pepe was going on and on about a story she's made up entitled "Don't Put Me in a Birdcage". Nearing home, Polly began to cheekily say that she's got a story too--guess what?--entitled "Don't Put Me in a Dog's Cage." Classic sibling imitation!

The other night slightly before bathtime Pepe came laughing into the kitchen with this report: "I told Polly that it was winter, and she said 'No, it's night time.'"

Polly can be really cheeky and silly nowadays: "Spinach forever"; "Mosquito Muffin"; "Wear your panty on your head"; "It's so dark I can't see my eyes."; (in grandpa's car, composing a theme song for a "boy show", and sung in a very low voice "Boy, boy, boy, boy poodle!"

Better hit the sofa of clothes :) ah... what a day.
