Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Friday, June 17, 2005

Hello there, friends!

The first three photos were taken by Grandma just hours before her flight back home to Singapore. The fourth is of Penny sleeping on Daddy during her first ride on the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission subway). We tease Penny to no end about the cute words on her Pooh T-shirt given by Aunty Sharon and Uncle Garrett Boesch. The label says "3-6 months" but fits our amply fleshed baby to a T. Its soft, light cotton material is also most suitable for the warm summer months when it can get so awfully hot and humid it almost feels like home.

Hello, like my Pooh T? Hello there, friends III Hello there, friends I First ride on the Toronto Transit Commission subway

Villa Liliput

with present Daddy bought from Leuven, Belgium
Look at the toy Daddy bought from a toy store in Belgium for Penelope! We almost always get a smile from her each time Miss Hikkups the Cat (guess who named her :) kisses her cheek--of course, after she's well fed and in a good mood.
Friday, June 10, 2005

Penelope's First Month Celebration

Daddy's away on conference in Belgium, and three grandparents are back home in Singapore, so Penny celebrated her one month milestone at home with Big Sister Amy (yes, the teddy bear), Grandma Loh and Mommy. Ye Ye and Nai Nai webcammed this morning and presented Penny with a gift of a gold pendant in the shape of a little chicken, this being the year of the rooster in the Chinese calendar. Penny also received red packets from all her great-grandmothers and grandparents, on top of many other gifts from other friends and family, from Singapore to San Francisco. Blessed little girl! Her gift from Daddy and Mommy? See if you can spot in one of the photos below "The Child's Story Bible" by Catherine Vos. May she grow up knowing the Lord!

Grandma Loh and I prepared a modest spread for the occasion: Grandma baked Penny a cake and prepared some customary red eggs (which turned out pink as we didn't have the correct powdered dye and had to make do with liquid red colouring), and I made some pineapple tarts.

After setting the table, all we needed was for baby to grace us with a good, docile mood for photo-taking! She fussed a little shortly after we dressed her in her pink dress, but calmed down wonderfully after a short feed. Grandma started the celebration by snipping off a little of her hair--a Chinese custom we follow for nostalgia's sake.

These photos were taken using a camera not well suited for indoor shots, our usual camera being with Daddy. I hope nonetheless that Daddy and the grandparents, as well as anyone else who is sharing in this blog "man yue" celebration will enjoy them all the same.

cakeegg.jpg spread.jpg
mompepe mepepe.jpg 101_0364 pepeamy.jpg laugh.jpg usthree.jpg amygift.jpg
Thursday, June 09, 2005

June 9, a special day

first walk in Dufferin Park

June 9 is Ye Ye's birthday, and also the day Penelope turns one month old.
We thank the Lord for loving parents and grandparents, and for giving us these special days.
Happy Birthday, Ye Ye! May God bless you with good health and much joy.
Love, from all of us here: Huijie, Bing Bing and Hsin Ying
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

First Bath (May 27)
