Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Friday, June 17, 2005

Hello there, friends!

The first three photos were taken by Grandma just hours before her flight back home to Singapore. The fourth is of Penny sleeping on Daddy during her first ride on the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission subway). We tease Penny to no end about the cute words on her Pooh T-shirt given by Aunty Sharon and Uncle Garrett Boesch. The label says "3-6 months" but fits our amply fleshed baby to a T. Its soft, light cotton material is also most suitable for the warm summer months when it can get so awfully hot and humid it almost feels like home.

Hello, like my Pooh T? Hello there, friends III Hello there, friends I First ride on the Toronto Transit Commission subway


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