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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Tot Talk

Just some random lines from memory that I thought might be good archived for Penny's future amusement:
"I want to bring mama to the shopping centre when I am big like baba."
"I am not rubbing my eyes. I am... I am... only just wiping saliva off my face."
"Baby, you see? Wood for making beds and doors."
"I am a good cheche."
"I want to carry baby... mama, take a picture."
"Oh oh, you come back here, you naughty lemon."
"I went to NTUC, to buy vegeteebles, for you to eat."
"I want tooties (cookies) to eat."
"Grandpa, you must use the oven mitts. Otherwise it will be hot."
"Mama, I read to you Town Mouse and Crunchy Mouse." (that's "country mouse")
"Tea for Pepe, milk for meimei, even night cars go to bed." (improvisation of lines from "Night Cars" by Teddy Jam)
(of Polly needing to nurse frequently, I think) "Drink milk-milk, drink milk-milk, drink milk-milk..."
"I think baby is crying because baby is hungry."
(In response to Mommy when she said: "We are almost home now, to our home sweet tree...") "No! It is not a tree, it is only just a house!"
"I'm not Chinese! I'm Pepe!"
"I'm not Pe-ne-lo-pe! I'm only just Pepe!"
"I want the Any Book." (in response to "You can pick any book you like.")
"In this apple there is delicious juice."
Monday, August 20, 2007

Our first little bunny

"Three Generations"... a second time over

Momma's first return visit to the doctor's

"Hello, Dr. Fon(g)! Hello Aunty Pauyine!" - Pepe; coincidentally, my doctor has two nurses by the same name of Pauline, just one letter different from Polly's name

Second Week at Home

Polly's finally cleared of her mild jaundice and sleeping much better than her big sister did at her age. Determined as we are to make this second one a good, independent sleeper, and having by His grace achieved some measure of success, Polly the newborn still cries occasionally at night due to gas pains and our sleep thereby more disrupted. However, sleeping at an angle, more burping, and a little dose of gripe water seems to be helping. One more thing: Polly is decidedly different from Pepe in this respect--she disengages herself (it seems) almost immediately after she's had her fill of milk, or when she's feeling a little uncomfortable; her dear elder sis would comfort nurse all night if we let her! ... all apiece with being a more independent sleeper?

First Doctor's Visit and Synchronised Breastfeeding at NUH

Grandpa drove us to the Ruby Clinic at Kent Ridge Wing, NUH, on Wednesday 8 August 2007, at 9am for Paulina's first return visit to her paediatrician Prof. Roy Joseph, and for NUH's participation in the worldwide synchronised breastfeeding at 10am. Penelope was only too glad to be back in the sling for the very first time since we weaned ourselves off the beloved wrap when I was about 2 months' pregnant with Polly, but she doesn't seem too enthusiastic about a milk party where she didn't get to have any? :)

The first exchange of sisters' smiles

... a serendipitous capture one evening during Polly's first week.

Happy Polly's First Week at Home

"To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition, the end to which every enterprise and labour ends..." ~ S. Johnson

Who's Who? Pepe or Polly? Spot the Differences!


Precious First Cuddles

the hour baby Polly was born, just a little lighter than her big sister was at birth. She is noticeably less chubby around the thighs, but still a very huggable newborn with a strong neck. Praise the Lord for the newest member of our family! We are immensely happy and yes, relieved.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Penny has a meimei now

Paulina Loy Hsin En (黎昕恩) was born 0200 hrs Sunday 5 August at the National University Hospital, a healthy 3.335 kg (7 lb. 5 oz.), though decidedly less chubby than her big sister at birth. Mother and child are well and are now back at home. Elaine thinks that Polly looks like a "Roman senator in a white toga", while Penny has quite a bit of waiting to do before she can get her sister to "put the kettle on", as promised in the nursery rhyme.