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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Tot Talk

Just some random lines from memory that I thought might be good archived for Penny's future amusement:
"I want to bring mama to the shopping centre when I am big like baba."
"I am not rubbing my eyes. I am... I am... only just wiping saliva off my face."
"Baby, you see? Wood for making beds and doors."
"I am a good cheche."
"I want to carry baby... mama, take a picture."
"Oh oh, you come back here, you naughty lemon."
"I went to NTUC, to buy vegeteebles, for you to eat."
"I want tooties (cookies) to eat."
"Grandpa, you must use the oven mitts. Otherwise it will be hot."
"Mama, I read to you Town Mouse and Crunchy Mouse." (that's "country mouse")
"Tea for Pepe, milk for meimei, even night cars go to bed." (improvisation of lines from "Night Cars" by Teddy Jam)
(of Polly needing to nurse frequently, I think) "Drink milk-milk, drink milk-milk, drink milk-milk..."
"I think baby is crying because baby is hungry."
(In response to Mommy when she said: "We are almost home now, to our home sweet tree...") "No! It is not a tree, it is only just a house!"
"I'm not Chinese! I'm Pepe!"
"I'm not Pe-ne-lo-pe! I'm only just Pepe!"
"I want the Any Book." (in response to "You can pick any book you like.")
"In this apple there is delicious juice."


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