Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Wednesday, October 04, 2006


(Penny in her car seat in Grandpa's car; at Bukit Timah Plaza where we frequent for groceries; and picking up a strand of fried kuey teow at the Penang Restaurant in Singapore)

As usual, I am getting the feeling that Penny's growing up so fast... the word "baby" doesn't properly apply anymore even though we still often use it. She seems to have put on more weight, and is ever more the "one solid baby" as a friend once put it. This solid baby has been enjoying herself outside the home and within. Just to name a very few examples, she's been going to places such as the Botanical Gardens and the Jurong Bird Park with Ye Ye and Nai Nai; going swimming with us or with Grandma and Grandpa; and entertaining quite a few guests at our humble home over the last few weeks.

This entry's titled "More" as I feel there is so much more to say, and to preserve as written memories but sleepiness overcomes me and even if I wrote more, there would still be more to write. "More" also happens to be one of her favourite words still in her current repertoire of some... 30+ words. She's more of an expert in monosyllabic expressions rather than multisyllabic ones, often reminding herself she has to "wait", repeats "keep" in a robotic type voice when we put the toys away for the evening, enthusiastically asks for "joos", sometimes correctly identifying the colours "red" and "boo", going "um" for "umbrella" and "good"-"mor"-"ning". Duplicated two syllabic words are also usually successfully imitated, words such as "turtle", "bubble" and "purple". "Babes" and "Apple", however, have been articulated quite well since about a month ago. Sometimes she also manages words such as "happy", "amen" and "again" (usually preceded by empathic nods and "weed" for "read"!). At this point, however, her number one favourite word she's tried so far unsuccessfully to pronounce with any improving semblance of accuracy would definitely be "milk milk", which comes out as "nuk nuk".


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