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Monday, October 16, 2006


Yes, our little Penny has become quite a roly poly Polly the Parrot. She continues to eat well, enjoy her milk, and since a few days ago, has taken to parroting a lot of what we say... even the multisyllabic words, and more than one word a time. Now I'm a great deal more aware of some of my favourite words--"alright" and "okay" being two of them.

Some quick examples include:
"knock knock" when she goes to Dad's study to call him
"auntie" very loudly, stressing both syllables
"robot" (when I was sharing with my mum about how she sounds robotic at times)
"good-mor-ning" said with some effort, and most empathically
"shlide Mama" (slide, Mama)
"read book" + " 'gain"
"ball lost... oh" at the playground below my parents' place
"shot shot tow" (short short tower--variation of "tall tall tower")
and the one my parents are especially proud of in recent days:
"Gramma" and "Granpa".


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