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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Polly can do that!

It's rude to poke your tongue out!
And don't sniff... blow your nose!
It's not quite right, it's impolite...
to fiddle with your toes!
It's very rude to play with food!
Or take off all your clothes!
Except if you are less than two...
You can do all of those!
~ "Don't Do That!" by Mick Inkpen


Blogger emilyl said...

Cute! Hmm.. Nathan loves to fiddle with his toes, and Janine's going through a stage where she will take off all her pjs after she's been put to bed. Sometimes she'll change in the dark. Sometimes she walks out of her room naked and we have to try not to laugh.

It's great to see your new photos. Polly has grown so quickly! Can't believe she's already sitting in a Bumbo. It's great to see you girls having fun together. Siblings are such wonderful blessings!

Elaine, are you still on maternity leave? We'll look you up when we're in Singapore in 6 weeks' time.

5:03 AM  

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