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Saturday, December 09, 2006

She's stringing words together!

Penny's linguistic abilities have taken another leap these last few weeks, even as she seems to have taken a few tiny steps back concerning sleep (needing me to sleep beside her cot until she dozes off). Anyway, there's much to thank the Lord for, and Penny's certainly so much more fun to be with these days. Just some idea of what she's been saying (or attempting to say)...

Upon finding out that "Curious George" has been returned to the library: "George outside [i.e. living room] no more."

Upon tasting some delicious morsel of food: "Umm! Pepe happy now."

Also heard today while being shown a flashcard showing a bar of chocolate: "Pepe like... chocolate."

Upon tasting something disagreeable: "Not nice!"

Upon being made to try on something she doesn't like: "Not nice! Take out!"

At bathtime: "Pepe fall down." [Mama: "No, Pepe, mama's holding on to you. You're not going to fall down."]; Pepe bom bom."

Often heard around bedtime: "Mama, read again. Read 'Adam', 'Eve'," "read 'No Jump' [i.e. "No Jumping on the Bed"]"; "Baba tickle bu2 yao4"; "Baba horse, Mama sit, Baba horse." :)

"This side. Baba sit this side. Mama sit that side." --Wow :) what a little tyrant!

"Pepe go playground."

"Pepe have pokka dots." (We're picking our battles. Some grammatical flaws will be corrected in due time...)

"Drink milk milk... again."

"Sorwee [sorry] Mama."

"Vitamin!.... Another vitamin!"

This is one of our current favourites. We thought we had succeeded in teaching her the right way to pluralise words like "mouse":
Mama: One mouse, many...
Pepe: Mice!
Mama: Good! Now, one cow, many...
Pepe: Mice!

"Goodnight Mama. No jump. Pepe sleep." Yes, Mama and Baba need some rest now too...


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