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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Some quick journal updates...

... before we forget and Pepe's all grown up.

Pepe at bathtime today:

"Pepe had a little fish, little fish, little fish..."


Pepe: I saw a worm.
Momma: Where?
Pepe: On my knee.
Momma: Was it a big or small one?
Pepe: Big one.
Momma: Was it green or brown?
Pepe: Geen one and brown one.
Momma: So there were two worms?
Pepe: Yes.
Momma: Were they both big, or was one small?
Pepe: Big worm said, "Hello Small. Let me bao4 bao4 [hug/carry] you."

Not uncommonly heard at bedtime:

"She wants to dwink milt milt."
"What's 'milt milt'? It's 'milk milk'!"
--that cracks her up, and she tries to pronounce the word again, with limited success


One of her favourite replies these days: "I did." (said emphatically)


Pulling me from dinner preparation in the kitchen: "Mama, come and see what Pepe built." (She's now having lots of fun with lego-type blocks we got her a few weeks ago, probably inspired by Daddy who perhaps had more fun with them)... "Wah, Baba, you build a nice house."


We're really enjoying our conversations with her these days. Just praying for wisdom for us all so that our conversations are kept mostly meaningful, glorifying to Him, and that imaginative story-telling does not get out of hand. (I've heard about at least one primary school kid who continually made up stories to the point that she found it so easy to spin tales for her own convenience.) We have been also reading the Bible ("God's Word for Me!") to Pepe, and trying to bring her up in His ways, teaching her, for example, that she must not lie, because that would displease Jesus for God says we cannot lie. She seems to understand to some extent. May we continue to pray fervently for our little ones...

One final item of thanksgiving for tonight's updates: Pepe drank up all the 100ml of fresh milk I gave her today--that's more than she's ever drunk of any non-mama milk at one sitting! We'd been trying to get her interested in cow's milk and/or kid's formulas to so little success... and are finally making a little headway with our recently purchased "California Fresh" milk on offer at Cold Storage :)


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