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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mei Mei!!!

Penny has this way of calling her little sis these days--an emphatic, long-drawn, somewhat overly enthusiastic and affectionate "mei mei!!!" accompanied by a big impish smile that reduces her eyes to mere slits. Polly would just look rather suspicious and a little wary, or maybe just a little caught off-guard, not knowing how to respond. It's amusing, really, but I'm glad to see Penny interacting more with mei mei in the recent weeks: patting her tummy gently when she's fussy, winding the mobile in the kitchen for her, showing her objects and wanting to help burp her. The girls are really growing fast and getting fonder of each other. Polly for her part seems to increasingly like to look at Penny playing. Guess it won't be long before they start to hatch naughty plans together...


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