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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Some recent Polly milestones

- can crawl fast, with the right foot being the chief propeller
- standing unsupported for up to a minute on a very few occasions
- perfecting that pincer grasp, and successfully placing cut raisins, Cheerios, and tiny baby pancake pieces into her mouth
- holding her own sippy bottle while drinking (sometimes)
- being really a stable sitter
- smiling and cooing much more now, esp. when she sees her favourite people
- placing a miniature Dora into a toy car and pushing the whole thing away (more deliberate play, definitely!)
- aiming a toothbrush at Pepe's mouth after watching me brush Pepe's teeth, and persisting at helping her brush, much to her big sister's amusement
- babbling a little bit more, often in airy utterances; also seems as if her first family word might be baba rather than mama
- I almost never see wet infant poo anymore--it's more like playdoh consistency these days, when she is not constipated
- responds more positively to music now; she often does something like the twist with her upper body when she hears music, and today she definitely did calm down in her crib a few minutes into my shower, and listened with interest my singing of "Jesus Loves Me" in mandarin (this she hears less often), and "In His Time", happily twisting her little body while clutching tightly onto the railing of her crib
- still often requires momma's hand for comfort at night when she wakes, but she's down to ONE midnight feed


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