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Monday, November 16, 2009

Best Buddies

("Let me check your brain...okay, it is fine.")

Pepe and Polly are really getting their act together as best playmates now, and I find myself appreciating and thanking God each day for blessing our family with these two little girls. Many times, I would be working in the kitchen or trying to finish up some school work, and they would be playing together--usually of the mama-baby kind (and Polly is not always the baby in need of a diaper change), or Pepe leading Polly in some other kind of role-play, rescuing baby animals stuck on a cliff (inspired by an episode of Postman Pat), preparing tea parties, playing school, mama reading to baby, etc.

One night, I asked Polly who her best buddy was and she replied "Che Che". Another night, Pepe tried the same question at bedtime and got a surprising "Mi-ma" (Grandma) answer. Her face immediately turned pink and tears welled up in her eyes--obviously hurt by Polly's answer. Polly had to be led to revise her answer to "Mi-ma and Che Che" (in answer to the revised question "Who are your best buddies?"). Happily, Pepe was sufficiently comforted.

(Polly pleased to have put on Pepe's old hat knitted by Nai Nai)

What I remember now of what the girls have been saying/singing recently:
Polly often breaks into song nowadays: "Yam, yittle yam, yittle yam..." (Yes, Mary Had a Little Lamb); "Row, row, boat... my, my, my..." (Pepe's had her laughs with this one)

Also overheard from Polly at night: "I want your hand", "I want drink water" (once so far when I told her it wasn't time for milk); "This one mei mei's?", but usually more assertive--"This one mine" (she's been claiming ownership of a hundred and one things); "I want Che Che's X"; "My turn?"; "My turn, not Che Che's turn"; "Go away!"; "Don't talk! (her Terrible Twos really manifesting); "Please bao bao me"; "I want watch video"; "Hurray!"; "I want noodle!"; "I want something else"; "I'm tired" (learning fast from Che Che here)...

Tonight I was trying to reinforce again to Polly the importance of saying "our" instead of "my", and so told her to say "our book" instead of "my book" which she was insisting on when she wanted a book Che Che was holding. She said "My our book" instead. Pepe had a good time laughing.

Pepe:(to papa) "If you stop tickling me I'll change your name from Tickle Monster to Papa. I can change your name you know."
(Tonight as she was tidying up with discipline drama ongoing nearby) "I love tidying up, because I'm so thankful I have toys to tidy up, and the place looks so nice and tidy after I tidy up it makes me feel happy. Mei mei, you must learn to like tidying up too. Aiya this mei mei. Look, che che show you how to do it. Can I help her tidy up, just a little bit? Che che can't do it all for you or she will spoil you. Aiya mei mei must learn to obey. I am tired of her being so disobedient."
(Pepe at her favourite spot when listening to Pilgrim's Progress when
Mama's doing work and Polly's napping)

Pepe has been such a darling girl, often really showing how mature she can be, and really helping me around the house--occupying mei mei and keeping her safe, passing me many requested items, even folding some clothes, helpfully bringing her own cup to the sink when she's done, and helping Polly to wash her hands. Of course, being Pepe, she still periodically complains of being too tired, and has her moods and crying quite easily still--for instance, the recent outbreak of "I don't want to be four years' old," and "I wish I were mei mei, so I can drink milk-milk," or the obviously false and unreasonable "I wish I were mei mei; she has all the best things..." but... in the recent weeks, her blossoming into a more involved and doting (and didactic) elder sister has been clearly evident. To this Che Che, Polly is the cutest toddler of all whose little face she can't get enough of.

Favourite Christmas hymns for now: While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night, and Away in a Manger
(Papa and Polly on the MRT to Chinese Garden)

Favourite Movie (or perhaps the only one they have watched so far, and only some parts of it): The Sound of Music (Polly is always completely enraptured)
(Pepe looking on with fear and awe at photographs of visitors with the terrible turtles at the Live Tortoise and Turtle Museum at the Chinese Gardens)

Books they both currently greatly enjoy: The Vera series (by Vera Rosenberry), The Bedtime Collection collated by Wendy Cooling, The Henry, Harriet, Arnie series by Nancy Carlson, The Little Girl's Storybook Bible (a child dedication gift from our pastor and wife), the Mr Putter and Tabby, the Little Whistle, and the Henry and Mudge series by Cynthia Rylant (fast becoming one of our favourite authors).
(Typical Polly and Pepe: that serious video face and our silly "Doo Dee"--something Pepe's fond of saying, as an adjective or verb or noun; we still do not know what that means)

Good night for now. Hopefully there will be time and energy for more updates as the school holidays begin. Praise the Lord for such times of rest!


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