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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pepe and Polly November 2008

(Ikea at Alexandra, one morning with mama)
Pepe said:
- (Papa asked if she would like to go hunting for ice-cream with him) I don't want to eat ice-cream because if I eat more ice-cream I will get fatter. Hahahahaha...
- (in response to sweet potato) ooh.. I'm bursting with delightness!
- (looking at meimei's bottom during bath time) eeyugh, smelly backsidey! (to laughter from meimei)
- Look at che che, mei mei, this is how you should eat
- Oh, what a sweet mama you are

Pepe loves:

- playing doll house, camping, picnic, playing with "friends" (stuffed toys)
- reading still (finished the whole of a children's retelling of Pilgrim's Progress today in three sittings)
- drawing, painting ("I'm proud of the picture I painted.")
- having us tell her new stories (Papa's Percy the Dragon series was and is still a great hit)
- helping mama to mix stuff for baking
- food in general, and I've finally gotten her to like soya bean milk, raw carrots and even the occasional raw cucumber!--ok, with a bit of soy dipping sauce)
- snuggling up
- nursing no longer (she officially weaned herself this week--without a single tear; she sort of forgot how to nurse and said she was a big girl now)

Polly likes:
- Che-che Pepe (and spoonfeeding her soup repeatedly during bathtime, and hearing "um, delicious.")
- playing cooking
- reading several of her favourite books (Night Cars, Policeman Small and Papa Small, Cleo the Cat, Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?, This is not my kitten, and lift-the-flap books)
- strawberries, oranges, apples, Cheerios, breadsticks, some cheese, juice, raisins, chwee kueh (steamed rice cake?), seaweed (plain roasted, or the Pu Tien variety), chicken (there are days she seems to eat nothing much else besides finger chicken--roasted, boiled, fried...); spoonfeeding herself a very little bit of food quite successfully
- watching video (she gets so little of this--about 10-15 min a day of Postman Pat, or Peter Rabbit, or Curious George--we don't even have a tv at home and plan to keep it that way)--today she was exhibiting many appropriate emotions while watching Postman Pat, and totally rapt.
- trying on shoes, mainly her sister's
- carrying handbags and totes, putting on hats
- going out, especially to the playground
- nursing ("mum-mum"--her second word after "Mama")

Polly dislikes:
- being spoonfed (especially porridge, or egg--she could be just too tired of this; I hear she still finishes her bowl of porridge at lunch at grandma's when I'm not around; it could be the milk that fills her tummy when I'm with her)
- quite a lot of the meals I prepare for her these days (I think they're pretty good; she may be just really choosy or maybe more fussy because of... teething? She's getting quite challenging at mealtimes, but I'm trying not to be too pushy, and hoping and praying that this is just a passing phase)


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