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Monday, September 22, 2008

Toddler Polly and Big Girl Pepe

Polly's 13 months old and started walking more confidently all over the house about a week ago. At church last Sunday she surely charmed not a few aunties and uncles by toddling over to them, each in turn, and giving her little hugs and big grins. She's thrilled to be able to walk, and must have soaked in all that praise and attention. I am definitely thrilled to see her take this big step in her life, and feel confident that she will soon be saying "mama" soon. She's been mouthing inchoate "mama"s the whole week, and if grandma is right, "mama" will be her first real word!! Let's wait and see. Meanwhile, Pepe continues to learn to enjoy having and also accommodating meimei--in the car, at home--as meimei becomes more interactive and capable of holding her own. Polly is now perfecting that art of getting the adults on her side by looking like a wronged little puppy, frowns, pouts and all. Of course, she doesn't always get her way.


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