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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Quick Updates

Again, I'm thinking I've JUST GOT to post a quick update. Pepe and Polly have grown so much over the past few months.

Polly took her first steps about 3 weeks ago, and has grown much more confident over the last few days. Now, she seems absolutely unstoppable, taking many steps around the house--still somewhat wobbly, but her confidence and abilities are steadily and evidently growing. Her babbling is still pretty much of the "Oh.. wer wer.. uh.." variety but I've noted more lengthy sentences lately. A few days ago, she even 'sang' along with me. Polly has also been in the last 2 months or so, more able to express that mind of her own--pointing to objects of interest, showing that she's fully capable of promoting and defending her rights (most usually in relation with Pepe), swaying to music (still very indiscriminating, I must say :), and clapping her hands. Latest feat in this area: performing the basic actions for "Twinkle, twinkle, little stars" which is one of her favourite songs for now. And adding on to the topic of favourites, among the top ones would be making marks with crayons on paper, an interest she's held for a long time.

Pepe the big sister has been making strides in drawing and writing her letters, being now well able to write her name ("P P") and other letters such as "M" and "B". She continues to love singing her own songs, and telling her own stories, with great animation. She's of such a bookish character she often repeats lines from books--for good and for ill. More than once we've had to address her ugly behaviour--say, bursting out to mama and papa that "That's not fair!" or "I'm never going to play with you ever again!" with a cross, pouty look.

I suppose it's natural for kids to misbehave and want their own way... both girls have shown their strong wills, and we really need to more deliberately communicate to Polly that she needs to obey the relevant authorities.

One really sweet thing from Pepe in the past week was her comments over breakfast on how she learns many things from mama who is a "good teacher", and how "I believe in God." (She's been attending Children's Church over the last 5 Sundays instead of playing in the nursery, since I've been scheduled to teach the month of August.) Quizzed on what she believed about God, Pepe wasn't able to give more of a substantial answer, but she now is more aware of herself as a sinner in need of grace.

One of Pepe's favourite songs these days is "You can be anything you want to be" from the Busy People video, inspired by Richard Scarry. In that video the teacher bear teaches the class about different jobs that people have, and the video concludes with a student saying he would like to be a teacher just like Miss Honey (who blushes). Yup, Pepe's been picking up on that line too, saying she wants to be a teacher, just like mama, to teach big children. When told about the possibility of teaching adults, juts as papa does, Pepe said she would prefer to do that. I can't remember the reason she gave, but I'm wondering if it could be that mama seems a lot busier than papa? :) (ok, that's a little papa tease, and would be better understood by those with at least some minimal background knowledge of the education system in Singapore)

Food-wise, Polly has turned away from: cheese, yoghurt, milk (except for mama's milk, taken fresh), Heinz baby food, fish, water melon. She seems to like: steamed broccoli, savoury porridge, bread sticks, egg yolk (bring it on!), strawberries, oranges, corn, roast chicken, animal pasta... (just to name a few)
-- mealtimes are getting messy, and she usually has to suffer the (added?) indignity of having her clothes stripped right after the meal :) She hates that, but has little choice--bibs have limited effectiveness and mama does give her easily mess-able food to play with! I'm hoping she'll learn independence in this area early on, just as her che-che did. Speaking of mess, I'll just end with this for now: we had fun playing with bread dough the other day--the first "free for all" messy dough play for Polly--and I'm glad to say the girls did eat the bread. Thank God for His daily bread all these days.


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