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Friday, July 02, 2010

Now we are three

Welcome to this world, Philippa! Your biggest sister, the self-promoted "Super Duper Che Che" Pepe and 2nd sis, "Polly Che Che", are so happy that you have finally joined us. Polly Che Che coos your name ever so sweetly and says things like "She's moving her legs!" while Pepe Che Che can hardly stop gushing about how cute you are, and often asks if she can hold you. She even pauses "Curious George" to come over to kiss you while Polly patiently waits for her to start the video again. Here are some shots of you girls over the past 2.5 weeks of your life... your very first pictures with your two big sisters!


Blogger lizziemummy said...

Hi there! I randomly stumbled across your site through your food blog. I enjoyed reading your posts, especially hilarious comments about the kids. I just wanted to say, you've got three beautiful girls and your family is indeed blessed!
from another Christian mum.

10:19 PM  

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