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Friday, July 26, 2013

Kid thoughts inspired by being in a new home in Taiwan

Pepe's three funniest pronouncements all in the space of half an hour one morning in the girls' new bedroom:

1. "How many breasts does a whale have? Two thousand?" (She quickly laughed at her own silliness when I started to explain why humans have two and pigs have several...)

2. (A response to my question about what they have observed as differences between Taiwan and Singapore) "Houses in Taiwan have only one toilet." (based on her own experience of our own cosy apartment)

3. "I like nature. It's so full of science."

Polly: I like Chinese food.
Pipa (not to be outdone): I like China food.

Pipa to Papa: I want to do something. (Papa asks what it is she wants to do) I want to do something about video. (Pipa, by the way, has grown Awfully Attached to Papa in the past two weeks)

Pipa, trying to persuade me to take one of the cabs waiting by the side of the road instead of crossing the road to wait for a bus to take us home from National Taiwan Science Education Center: How about a small one? (maybe less expensive? :)

Polly (out of the blue, and looking really puzzled): How do the languages ever exist? I don't know.

The girls can be so cute.  


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