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Monday, March 12, 2012

Recent Memorable Quotes

Despite the occasional tantrums, sibling altercations and other such usual challenges of childhood, our three little ones are growing up!

Pepe: "I have a funny thought for silly kids--not being in heaven doesn't mean that you're never safe." (during breakfast time on early schoolday morning, after reading the passage in Genesis about Abraham purchasing a cave and field to bury Sarah; we had talked about how Abraham and his family found a home and place of rest even in a foreign land because they trusted in God)

Polly: "Learning is part of growing up." (after applying some shampoo on her hair on bath time and getting praised for learning to bathe herself)

Pipa: "Thankoo ah." (that's "Thank you" with her favourite suffix -ah)
"Muhk muhk..." (Pepe said "Milk Milk", Polly said "Milt Milt")
"Burger... eat!"


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