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Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Long-overdue updates on 3Ps

It's been so many months again, and many nights have flown by where I wished I had more time, energy or inspiration to get down to archiving some memories of the girls.

Starting with the youngest of them, Philippa is growing chubby! (seen below with Pepe's Meshuggas)

She looks just like her big sister Pepe at a comparable age. Many times we or grandpa (the video and photo man) would quiz her about a certain picture of her as a baby and she would say it was Pipa. Some people say she looks like Polly. I think she's more Pepe but there's definitely a strong resemblance, especially for the profile, with Polly. Pipa rolled over about 2 days ago at almost 5 months, is cooing, laughing, smiling impish silly smiles, and even grabbing quite purposefully now. She still likes to "save it up" for her poo, and suffers from gas and poo explosions every now and then, and drank successfully from the bottle only a very few times when I was temporarily back at work (her long-suffering, patient grandma!), but on the whole, she's a good baby. She started sleeping through the night at 2+ months--a miracle considering how her sisters were! God is very merciful, and has given her mama more rest now that they are three...

Pipa favourites: "Cleo the Cat", pink towel teething dolly, peek-a-boo, bubbles on the tum, going out

Polly: "I used to only like noodles, but now I also like rice." She is eating better now--in terms of eating more independently since I started insisting on her doing so about 3 months ago. She likes singing, telling stories, drawing (we almost have to ration her paper!), and most memorably, re-named her toy cat Tims "Meshuggas"--the same name as Pepe's darling cat whom she sleeps with every night. So now, there's Meshuggas and Meshuggas... and does Polly get testy when we forget that her cat's been renamed. Bebe Ballet continues to go well, and she's been dancing with Ms Jamie for about 10 weeks now. Although still the smallest-sized one in her class of about 10 girls (the youngest one but 2.5 years old!), she follows instructions, tries her best (with as much enthusiasm as can be shown by the somewhat inhibited moves due to her coyness in public :). We are so proud of her--last Saturday at her school's year-end concert, she performed in her class' presentation without freezing up in a room FULL of people watching!

Polly favourites: Angelina Ballerina books, making and eating easy cheesy bread rolls, playing in the tub, learning to ride a bike!

Pepe: Ever the big che che, she's my number 1 babysitter (singing, babytalking "You gooey, gooey baby", etc.) when papa's not home.

She adores Pipa, the perfect foil for Polly now: in Pepe's world, Pipa's the sweet little baby sister who similarly adores her; Polly's currently, unfortunately, at times, her arch rival. I've had to remind her that Pipa will one day soon be able to answer back, and also want the same things :) Aunty Michelle has been teaching her the piano every Thursday for many weeks now, and Pepe's on a roller-coaster ride with her piano practices. She liked her ballet trial lesson, but decided that one (formal extra-curricular) challenge would be enough for now. She's also finally learning to read--slow but sure improvements from week to week. ("Pepe, don't just guess from the pictures! There's no "s" here!")

Pepe favourites: Sweets (a controlled substance, occasionally given as a treat), Ally in "Ice Age", (and like Polly as well--) The Magic School Bus series, and ... The Chronicles of Narnia! Mention a certain name or word (it's secret) and she reacts very strongly! :) Papa thinks she may be experiencing her first crush. We are now reading a few pages of "The Horse and His Boy" each night now on Papa's kindle, Kiki, and tonight she's guessing that the Large Voice walking alongside Shashta is Aslan :) She also loves 'swimmming' and going to the playground. We go to the playground almost every day now. I get dinner all cooked by 5pm, the girls get the playroom all tidied up, and we're off to the playground where papa sometimes swings by after work around 6 to walk us home. Our five-year-old neighbour Daphne is Pepe's best friend now. Boy aren't they comically sprightly silly girls who run and laugh all around the playground, and perform together their "finale" at the spin station. (Polly often feels left out at the playground. "Angelina's Silly Little Sister" is proving a great read for all of us)

There's so much more to say. Perhaps another night.


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