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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Some verbal snapshots

Polly singing, improvising from a playschool song about building up: "Tidy up, tidy up, tidy up, tidy up, up, up into the sky!"
Polly starting to tell a story at bathtime: "It was a time when the trees were blooming, and the bushes were bushing..."
(Polly has shown a most cheeky side to her these recent months)

Pipa: "Bye bye" (to just about anything and anyone, when she's in the mood)
Pipa to me after I had just helped remove a straw from its wrapper, and standing in front of her to make sure that she drinks her yoghurt drink properly: "Thow" (for "throw"--complete with a gesture towards the bin)
(Pipa has begun to show that she can be rather bossy and also meticulous to detail about where things belong)

Pepe: "I see a cat, I see a dog. We see some tigers, all on a log. I see a frog on a lily pad. "Hello frog, hello frog!" Down to the river bed."
(Pepe's been getting more poetic, and now that she writes a little, she even wrote by herself a simpler version of this. We'll soon have our first literate child!!)


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