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Saturday, March 24, 2012

A nice Saturday afternoon at home

Can't believe it--Polly is actually napping on her bed, after retiring early from the kitchen table where the three girls and I were shaping some bread dough for baking. She had just cut up the cheese for cheese rolls. I guess she's all tired out from the bouncing castle at the ACJC Funfair (thanks Grandpa for being our chauffeur!) this morning and helping prepare and eating her fruit salad. Still... she's not napped in the longest time!! Anyway, she seems fine. As Pepe and I were finishing up the chocolate, herb and cheese rolls, and cleaning up, I decided to check in on the little sisters and saw to my amusement that Pipa was happily bouncing on Pepe's bolster while eating raisins and watching Polly nap. This so tickled Pepe she just had to tell Papa who happened to be napping as well (late night last night; engagement tonight--). No one's fussing, everyone's contentedly engaged in various wholesome, homesome activities... Pepe's now showing Pipa some puzzle game on Papa's old tab. Ah. What a nice, peaceful Saturday afternoon. I actually have Now to check on the rolls.


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